Friends In times of uncertainty... What's on your mind? What weighs heavy on your heart? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Today I want to share with you a few simple tools that gently assist in times of feeling overwhelmed. Here are a few of my favorite letting go tips. Let's do sacred 7 1. Begin your day in gratitude pay close attention to what you have to be grateful for. 2. Practice Self Love /Self Care Make Nurturing your inner child a daily tender practice. Re-assure your inner child everything is going to be OK! Bask yourself in Absolute Unconditional Love. Notice the Joy that comes over you. Claim it . Remind yourself you are doing your best. Know you are Love, Loving and Loved. Give yourself a Hug. 3. Get out in nature. Experience a gentle walk, allow the sun to shine on your petuitary gland for 1-5 minutes. (Feel the Serotonin lift)enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset or about the North Star. Did you know nature offers many enlightening answers... 4. Practice the Lions Roar... In and out a very deep cleansing breath make a Lions Roar with each cleansing breath. Repeat 3 times. ( Notice the release of Energy) Breathe deeply!!! Out with old energy in with the new!!! 5. Shower yourself in Divine white light ... breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. Welcome your sacred light to glow day and night. 6. Be Courageous and learn the power of No! This will shield you from pushy people seeking to compromise your values and integrity. 7. Check out: Making Friends With Forgiveness a gentle at home practice that assists both men and women in letting go of self sabotaging thoughts even the ones that cause overwhelm... find out what all the excitement is about here Get your free Making Friends With Forgiveness at home practice today Https:// Know that self Love and Self care begin with you. If you need guidance and support along the way help is here. Go from overwhelmed to overjoyed! You've got this. The best part is you can Begin today! [email protected] [email protected] #Nationalforgivenessandhappinessday #makingfriendswithforgiveness #theartoflettingo #Reclaimyourjoy #loveistheway #letitgo #lasvegasthingstodo #bowloffire #reclaimyourpower #deborahkcoaching #lovemakersfoundation #creatingserenitynow #FORGIVENESS
Dear Friends, Can you feel it? Can you Feel The Magic, the Magic within? Do you realize how magnificent you are? Know that you are a magnificent light being... your internal light is waiting to manifest new beginnings every new's a light so bright enabling you to be able to adapt, overcome and achieve through changing and challenging times. Here is a sample of my light energy practice...I love to practice this everyday, most often upon waking or on my favorite nature walk. I invite you to choose a time of day that is special and quiet for you...a time to Be still. Hold your attention at your heart center...a best simple practice: Place your hand over your heart: Simply say: I know Love as my all Divine Powerful Source and Birthright... IAM Love Loving and Loved. IAM intertwined in Peace, Poise, Power and Absolute Love. I Rejoice in the fullness of my all deserved good. IAM a beautiful light illuminating true freedom from within...a safe place where healing can begin. IAM LOVE, Loving and Always Loved. IAM grateful for this knowing. Thank you and so it is! Join me ...dear friends Walk each day in the light of who you are... experience more Peace & Joy no matter your circumstances. I invite you today!!! Get your free resource to further assist you in lighting up your magic here Sponsored by Deborah K Coaching Partnering soon with Making Friends With Forgiveness ...stay tuned, on great tips to support you in mastering the art of letting go and magical steps to personal freedom. Curious on how you can get started now? Book a complimentary "Let It Go Practice" call today in addition you will also receive your very own downloadable letting go practice for everyday... Light up your life feel the magic...begin today #lettinggopractice #deborahkcoaching #makingfriendswithforgiveness #lightupyourlife #creatingserenitynow I invite you to a complimentary "Light Up Your Life" Clarity Call today >> Yes! I'm Ready to see what's possible! Let's schedule my session. I am Grateful In Loves Energy to help you Discover What’s Possible in manifesting your dreams and total wellness plan and turning them into well-deserved reality. Go beyond your Dreams and Discover What’s Possible, turn your dreams into reality, its truly magical, beginning today. YOU deserve to Shine bright, YES you do!!! xoxo, Deborah Deborah Kozich Midlife Self-Love Coach Certified Light Energy Master Integrative Wellness Guide 1255 W Colton Ave #602 Redlands CA 92374 US Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options Did you know the power of a HUG has lasting benefits? Even a Self-HUG will do wonders!!! There is a saying by Virginia Satir, a respected family therapist, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” The simple act of a warm heartfelt Hug is more than a gesture of affection, its a universal language of love and affection. Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better when you give or receive a Hug? I remember a time that one of my sons teachers in 1st grade gave a Hug to every student upon arriving to class and at days end ... needless to say this was my sons favorite class and one where he excelled in. Having what they called then, wiggly wiggles he had a hard time sitting still in class. My Sons other teachers simply did not understand. In this case a hug went a long way to settle his wiggly wiggles. Studies show that the Power of a Hug not only supports ones nervous system and well being, a Hug communicates to another that they are not alone... there is power in a HUG for everyone. Beyond emotional connections, stemming as far back as a baby's first hug and coddling, studies show that the power of a hug has many health and healing benefits for all ages. In addition to the oxytocin hormone for a feeling of happiness and bonding, Hugs also result in a dopamine release in our brains – the “feel good” and “reward system” hormone – which can relieve stress and tension as well as motivate us and boost our self-esteem. Hugs are so crucial to our mental and overall health, in addition I want to share the top 10 healing benefits with you. 1. Hugs heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression, anxiety, and anger making a perfect antidote for stress and anxiety. 2. Hugs strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular health. 3. Hugs balance the nervous system while supporting emotional well-being. When you hug someone for an extended time, it will lift your serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating overall happiness. 4. Hugs convey Love without saying a word. 5. Hugs let others know they are not alone in their pain. 6. Hugs teach us about giving and receiving. Allowing more of a selfless giving energy flow. 7. A Hug builds a sense of safety and belonging. 8. Hugs are like meditation and laughter, a Hug allows us to be present and in the moment. 9. Hugging can reduce inflammation and improve sleep. 10. A Hug allows you to be more in touch with your feelings and emotions. Sometimes all you need is a HUG!!! Even a Self-HUG will do wonders!!! Click here to schedule your Personalized “LIGHT ENERGY SELF-HUG PRACTICE” today. This Self-Hug practice is also for those who are touch sensitive, for those who practice social distancing, and for those who are perhaps alone. YES , everyone can learn how to “EMBRACE THE POWER OF A SELF HUG", and experience lasting benefits beginning today. I can teach you how to do my “Power of a Self-Hug Practice” in addition to using light energy... Light up Your Life, feel more at peace, focused, confident and experience more joyful energy, no matter your age, sensitivity, or circumstances. Learn How to Embrace the Power of a Virtual SELF-HUG today. Your body, heart, mind and spirit will thank you! Schedule your complimentary “Power of a SELF HUG Practice” using LIGHT ENERGY call today. >> I am Grateful In Loves Energy to help you experience "The Power of A SELF-HUG", and Go beyond your Dreams and Desires. YOU deserve to Shine bright from the inside out...,Discover What's Possible, begin today. xoxo, In Love and Light Deborah I welcome December with all of you. Most of us know, December is a time for inner growth and introspection. December presents an opportunity to reflect on our experiences and lessons learned throughout the year. December is often a time to embrace New Beginnings and set our Intentions to begin “Manifesting Dreams Into Reality” (Yours, Mine, Ours....) they are all beautiful dreams waiting to manifest …...whatever our hearts not let the world or circumstances take away your dreams. Now is your time friends, to Soar, to fly, experience unlimited courage, never waiver, never give up!!! #nevergiveupnever This month I share top tips to help you Manifest Your Dreams and Desires to say YES to living your best life, beginning today. Today is the day, right here right now, to take a few moments to breath deeply and acknowledge that “YOU CAN” move mountains. You are special, unique and divinely equipped. You are a gift to the world and the world needs you to shine your light. It begins with Acknowledging that life is precious and so are YOU. YOU deserve to live your best life beginning today. You deserve to know YOU ARE LOVE, LOVING and LOVED. You are a Spiritual Warrior, one who has courage and confidence. You can navigate the bumps in life. Others do it and so can you. It's important to know you are not alone. You may be feeling times are challenging, difficult, frustrating, busy, uncertain, depending on what you may be going through. Everyone hits a bump in the road. Many have health issues, finance issues, relationship issues, faith issues, most often confidence and motivational issues, while at the same time, many are seeking ways to navigate those bumps in life we all face at one time. The question is what do you do with the challenges that arise? Are you ready to say “YES” to Manifesting your Dreams and Desires, during challenging times? The many benefits I share this Month will support you in making the right choice for “YOU”. I want to share with all of you a most recent Podcast interview, that I know will support you in “Lighting Up Your Life”, no matter what you may be going through. This past year I was invited along with Gary Hensel author of “Lessons for a Spiritual Warrior” to be guests on the “Way of Wisdom Podcast Series” with Pat Wetzel the host of “Bump In The Road” Podcast Show. I invite you to listen to the Spiritual Warrior Podcast here>> Begin your journey today...say Yes to Manifesting your dreams and desires right into the New Year, and everyday after that. Now is your time to Soar, to fly, experience unlimited courage, never waiver, never give up!!! #nevergiveupnever In addition: For those who encounter low energy and lack of focus this time of year, know that it is normal. Winter is a time for rebirth, regrowth and restoration a powerful time for stillness, reflection and joyful expectation. This is a time of year to regenerate ourselves as the light (light beings) that we are. Below I share some of my top SELF CARE tips to create clear mental and emotional space and balance your energy. In creating this space just for you, without interruption, you will be able to listen to divine whispers to help you manifest your Dreams and Desires. Be ready to Listen with Intent, to Trust and take guided loving action. Have your journal ready or voice recorder to acknowledge what Divine Inspiration comes to you. Follow your heart and begin taking divine action today. My Top self care tips will support you in acknowledging how to begin manifesting your dreams and desires.
Celebrate the Light In You with My Up Your Life Meditation here >> Know, Its ok to say No, honor You by valuing your time and commitments.
Learn to listen to Divine Whispers and have courage to Never Give Up!!! Never!!! Never!!! Sometimes our light dims, flickers, is challenged. What we need to remember is it never goes out. Our divine spark, the light within our heart, keeps shining a way to help us see new opportunities, new pathways. This is why it is so important that we continue to share our insights, stories, inspiration, “My Light In Me Recognizes The Light In You” ... “Your Light In You Recognizes the Light in Me”... together we create encouraging, insightful synergy. We are transmitters and receivers of Light. Together we are transforming lives. No matter what challenges may arise, we have the choice to step into the light that we are, and take steps to TRUST and move forward, knowing YOU are a Spiritual Warrior. Keep shining your light, beautiful souls, it is a beacon illuminating your path for a fulfilling life. YES...a life of Love, Joy, Internal Peace, Health and Prosperity. Welcome each day, each breath, as a gift acknowledging that we all can move mountains right into the New Year with confidence and everyday courage. You don't have to walk this path alone. I invite you to a complimentary Light Up Your Life Manifestation call, where you will learn powerful next steps to say YES to living your best life starting today. Schedule your personalized call Here>> You are a beautiful light keep shining bright in all you do. In doing so you help others shine bright too. In Love and Light, Deborah I am filled with Grateful spirit to welcome November with all of you. A time of year that often sets stage in our hearts and minds with wonder and reflection, for a deeper meaning of Thanksgiving. For myself personally, I like to call November a reset month, a time of year to contemplate at a deeper level of ways to utilize being Grateful in Love's energy. Midlife is a season where we often find ourselves acknowledging how quickly the ages of 40, 50, 60, 70 + have arrived, as well as how quickly the Holiday Season has arrived. Thanksgiving is often a time when families gathering together and socialize, enjoying meal time together. For some this is not the case. Some are without family and some without close friends. Some prefer to be alone. No matter the circumstances, during the holiday season my wish is to supply each one of you a gift. One that will help you find peace and joy. Times are challenging, and difficult for many. At times it may difficult to find things to be grateful for. Many are navigating the best they can. Sometimes we feel the need for some loving direction, someone to understand, someone to take our hand, and raise our spirit, someone to help us return to our light of joy and happiness. Did you know you have the ability to Light Up Your Life with warmth and generosity everyday? This months Top Tips will assist you to experience laser like focus creating a synergy that will support you through the holidays and through out the new year. If you're experiencing feelings of loneliness this holiday season, use the following Love Energizing tips to support you in a healthy way through the holiday season and into the New Year. Following are my Top 3 Tips that have helped me in times of challenge and loneliness, I know they will support you too, like a Giant Hug. You will experience even more "Gratefulness in Loves Energy". All are tips that you can practice in as little as 5 minutes a day. You will enjoy more peaceful energy, tranquility, courage, confidence, clarity, connectivity and feeling of joy. Start here: DAILY PRAYER OR MEDITATION Practice your favorite Prayer or Meditation: I offer my White Light Meditation as a gift to further support you. in connecting with Loves Grateful Energy you can begin today. Access your (WhiteLightEnergyMeditation) here>> Next: DAILY JOURNAL/GRATITUDE PRACTICE: Practice journaling in your favorite journal, at a time that works best for you. I like to begin my day with at least 5 Gratitudes. Begin by noticing what you have to BE grateful for by stating: IAM GRATEFUL IN LOVES ENERGY FOR__________________. Really listen to the whispers that come from your heart mind when you ask: notice: IAM Grateful in Loves Energy for (state or write what comes to you) A best practice is to always end any gratitude practice with Thank You! "The Universe loves grateful people. The more grateful you are the more you get to be grateful about. Its That simple." Louise Hay Then: Take time to NURTURE YOURSELF IN NATURE in a space without distractions. Nature offers many gifts. Even 5-10 minutes of sun can support lifting your serotonin levels (your feel good hormone). Here are My favorite top 10 tips to Bring Natures Healing Benefits Indoors during inclement weather or for those who have difficulty getting outdoors. 1. Fill your home with plants, herbs and favorite flowers 2. Open windows and let the light shine in 3. Add a water feature 4. Burn organic candles for light and warmth 5. Use natural ingredients to clean (natural Lemon or Pine is my favorite) 6. Run a Bubble Bath with natural lavender scent 7. Drink a favorite fruit or vegetable beverage savor the flavor and aroma 8. Cook with organic herbs and foods to bring natures aroma and essence not only into your home but to nourish your body too. 9. Practice visualization techniques with light energy 10. Use Light Energy Techniques (LLET) ask me how Its important to acknowledge the dynamics in your life that may influence feelings of loneliness or sadness that many experience this time of year. Take small steps to protect your mental well being through the holiday season. Take time to nurture and care for you. Be sure to practice my top Love Energizing tips or your very own favorite ones to cope in a healthier, happier way. Also, I'd love to support you on this part of your journey, know you are never alone. I invite you to a complimentary Light Up Your Mid-life illumination call, where you will learn powerful steps to support you to say YES to living your best life starting today. Schedule your call HERE >> Life's circumstances, our thoughts, our emotions crave loves energy. In knowing that each one of us can do our best to control our thoughts, we can use loves energy to guide us and support us even through life's most challenging times. Light Up Your Life, begin today!!! By connecting with Love and Light energy it helps one to focus on manifesting what you want and desire. Knowing we have the choice makes all the difference in our inner and outer world. I invite you to my Light Energy Meditation free gift offer to Light Up Your Holiday Season with even more positive energy flow. I am filled with Joy to share these amazing Light Up Your Mid-Life tips with you. This is your time and Season in Life, to Light Up Your Mid-life, to truly feel free, unlimited, and give yourself permission to be yourself and create the life of JOY you want and deserve, through this holiday season and into the New Year. Start today!!! Light Up Your Life through all seasons of life with my free gift offer: You'll love it. You can receive a powerful technique that works best for my Midlife clients. Included are journal prompts in addition to my white light energy meditation to practice daily. This practice will support you by activating your heart energy center to feel more energized, peaceful and joyful in spirit. Gift yourself my free gift set today!!! >> I am Grateful In Loves Energy to help you Discover What's Possible in this Amazing Season of Your Life. In Love and Light, Deborah Welcome to Mid-life dear friends, a season like Autumn, a season of letting go! This Month I want to share Top Tips to Help You Light Up Your Mid-life to help you further unlock the benefits of Practicing letting go. This is your time and Season in life, to light up your Mid-life, to truly feel free, unlimited, a time to give yourself permission to be yourself and create the life of JOY you want and deserve. This Autumn Season, I will be sharing
Midlife is often compared to the season of Autumn. Just as autumn is a time of transition, when leaves change color and fall from trees, midlife is a period of change and transformation when we find ourselves reflecting on past experiences, reassessing priorities, and making new plans for the future. When we learn to practice Forgiveness, it becomes a practice of letting go, making space for transition and transformation to begin. Forgiveness is not easy, but the process does not have to be complicated. I invite you to unlock the benefits beginning today. Make room for this new season in your life. Discover ways to see and feel from a new perspective. I know first-hand what it feels like to live in regret. In the season of what should I or could I have done, realizing in this later season, how things could have been handled differently. Now having seen my way through, continuing the gentle practice of forgiveness, I guide others through this forgiveness process too. It is imperative that we do our best to release the past and forgive everyone including ourselves. I like to think of life as a learning letting go, to grow and glow process. For Women in Midlife who’ve experienced loss or hurt in the past or uncertainty of the present, the practice of Forgiveness is an opportunity to free yourself from painful, controlling, relationships or situations. Give yourself permission to move forward free of resentment, anger, or any emotional attachment that hurts you or holds you back. ROCK YOUR MID-LIFE starting today. Discover what's possible. “Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” Maya Angelo In midlife, many people experience significant changes and transitions. It can be a time of reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth. Just like the leaves falling from the trees, letting go of the past can create space for new opportunities and experiences. In focusing on the benefits of letting go, studies show Forgiveness has also been linked to
With Autumn season here we are reminded, this season is also known as fall, a season that symbolizes change and transformation. The falling leaves and changing colors of nature remind us of the beauty of letting go. It is a time when we can learn to embrace change and embrace new beginnings. In navigating through midlife, let us find ways to welcome change with open arms and trust the journey ahead. We can continue the process of letting go by further understanding Forgiveness defined. Forgiveness is the act of pardoning someone or something as an intentional decision to let go of negative feelings such as resentment, bitterness, and anger towards another person, situation or organization. Forgiveness in action also includes pardoning oneself. My personal definition of Forgiveness is “Unconditional Love In Action as Understanding & Compassion for self and others.” Deborah Kozich With patience and understanding, learning to see from a deeper loving perspective, we can learn to practice forgiveness and reap many health benefits supporting one's spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. Forgiveness is an especially important part of improved mental health for older adults. Impact of holding Grudges can cause people’s brains to age faster than normal putting seniors and women in midlife at greater risk for dementia-related diseases if left unchecked, as elevated levels of cortisol weaken the immune system and decrease vulnerability against illnesses like colds or flu. Furthermore, studies have shown that holding onto grudges increases one’s risk for heart disease by up to 30%. Practicing Forgiveness allows us to
Understanding how to forgive others is an important step in creating a more meaningful life experience. Forgiveness is a process that can be a gentle practice. By letting go of anger, resentment, perceptions, mis-understanding and hurt we pave the way to move forward with a more positive outlook on life. Understanding the process of forgiveness can be challenging, but it is possible to learn how to practice it gently and effectively. Today I want to share one of my favorite gentle practices for letting go. What you will need: Your favorite journal and time to simply BE...take time for you...5-20 minutes to sit in quiet stillness. (or as long as you need) First Acknowledge your Willingness and Readiness... To let go. Then ask yourself these 2 powerful questions. IAM willing to let go of__________________ IAM ready to let go of___________________ Take time to reflect and journal. Once you have acknowledged the energy that you are willing and ready to release, state to yourself I lovingly release _______________ (whatever came up for you) to unconditional Love. I choose to see beauty in all things with eyes of Love... Thank you and so it is... In moving forward: “Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment...under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.” Don Miguel Ruiz When you learn to slow down and embrace the season of life you are in you will begin to see the beauty in life's lessons and in all that surrounds you. This is where true freedom begins. I’d love to support you on this part of your Light Up Your Mid-life Journey, I invite you to a complimentary Light Up Your Mid-Life manifestation call, where you will learn steps that will support you to say YES to letting go to ROCK YOUR MID-LIFE begin today ... Schedule here >> Shine Bright and Discover What's Possible
in this Amazing Season of Your Life. xoxo, Deborah Getting a restful night sleep is a challenge for most women in midlife. Just ask me or any one of my clients! Between midlife changes in the body and the challenges of peri menopause, menopause and post menopause, I'm here to support you in getting a better night sleep and feeling more rejuvenated starting tonight. Why better sleep is so important for women in midlife
This is when our bodies recharge and regenerate. Sleep gives us more energy and improves our mood and libido. Top 4 Tips For A Restful Nights Sleep in Midlife TIP #1: Foods and Liquids Avoid stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, as well as spicy foods, which may cause sweating, exacerbate night sweats, and keep you awake. Likewise, you may think that alcohol will help you relax and fall asleep, but it can disturb your sleep later on. It's best to not have any liquid 2 hours before bed. Stay hydrated: Lemons are full of bioactive compounds that help your heart, blood vessels, blood sugar, digestion issues and hot flashes during menopause. (actually, during all seasons of life). Coconut Water is a natural isotonic drink alternative is packed with essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and calcium all essential minerals that help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating and provide a refreshing burst of hydration. {{For my personal recommendation on the best quick drink for YOU to have before bed, you can connect with me HERE AND I can also share a personalized wellness guide.}} Tip #2: Have one ounce of protein before bed as a snack (if you crave a snack!) Ideas are: organic turkey breast or the egg white of a hardboiled egg. (Save the yoke for the morning, I love it left over on sour dough toast.) Sign up for my free Wellness Tracker here>> Tip #3: Start dimming lights 2 hours before bedtime. Set stage for a restful night sleep. Studies indicate that lights with shorter wavelengths like blue lights suppress melatonin while dim lights and lights with longer wavelengths like red lights help us sleep more soundly. Tip #4: Practice Light Energy Techniques As a Certified Light Master, I've seen amazing transformations in sleep from a few simple practices that I share with clients. If you cannot get outdoors, light energy visualization techniques do make for a healthy alternative to help relieve sleep issues, including seasonal affective disorders, change of seasons... this is a healthy alternative to forest bathing. (What is Forest Bathing? OHHH, you'll love it! You can receive a powerful technique that I find works best for my midlife clients as well as support on better sleep and feeling your best, in a {free} Light Up Your Sleep in Midlife call >> Schedule here <<) Shine Bright in this Amazing Season of Your Life. xoxo, Deborah In welcoming a new month, I wanted to share with you Loving words that can best describe and do often support the best version of you.
In what ways can you master lighting up your life and master the art of realizing that “YOU ARE” Loves light waiting to shine bright? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness and Gentleness and Self-control…these are fruits of the spirit and when ignited from the place of Unconditional Love one is able to connect with the best version of thyself, and with what your heart truly deserves and desires. I always begin with the fruitage of LOVE... as the blueprint to awaken the light that burns within, loves light is ready to be awakened to illuminate all fruits of spirit that bring forth loving forgiveness, so we can live a life joyfully fulfilled. Loves fruit is sweet and sublime, and becomes a path of light, like a beacon, Loves light helps you to see clearly the path that’s right for you. However, if you are like me and have experienced hurt, anger, dis-trust, and perhaps have lost faith at one time or another as to what Loves qualities really are then you are in the right place to experience trusting in Love again. I have found personally and working with others that it helps immensely to first understand what Love is not in order to move forward lovingly. Love is not belittling, judgmental, unforgiving, impatient, made to feel inadequate, harsh...can you see and feel the difference? When we learn what LOVE is not, we are better equipped, to identify the words that better support our healing journey and return to understanding Love as light and light as Love. Learning to Trust the power of Love as divine will help you light up your path and support you in living your life more fully, joyfully and peacefully. You will experience having more courage, creativity, confidence, willpower, insight, and feel LOVES light shine from within so you can again feel excited to live your life fully engaged, better able to make decisions that support your highest good and able to say NO to what does not serve your highest good. Cultivating a life of LOVE gives us a way to see at a deeper level. I call this seeing from the heart center. In this loving energy space you will be able to identify what your highest good is, ask powerful questions, and be empowered saying YES to your wishes fulfilled. Love is kind, compassionate, supportive, understanding, forgiving, encouraging, strong, courageous, all loving energies...a way that I like to explain this is in a way that supports one during challenging times. One way that has been very beneficial for myself is to identify the power of your IAM...I originally learned this technique from Wayne Dyer in his book Wishes Fulfilled. Your wishes can BE fulfilled and shall be empowered to help you live your life more fully...and joyfully, re-igniting this sacred place that waits inside of you ...You can call it heaven on earth if you choose. I do. This is where I found a lot of positive change and personal transformation take place. Love energy is infinite and the power of IAM creates a synergy of Self-worthiness showing up as power and strength within. All you have to do is acknowledge the beacon of infinite light that is always burning within. Taking time to identify with Loves infinite power you will come to recognize Love as the most powerful force in the universe, it is the light that shines bright from within, helping you to not give up. When you find that you are not alone, you will begin to see the light through the tunnel of life, vision, feeling, and recognize how Loves light energy reflects and refracts your thoughts, words and actions. Here is a simple practice to help identify your power of Loves light ready to ignite within you, It is important to know how we speak to ourselves and how loves light energy reflects on our thoughts, words and actions. I AM that_____I AM... what ever we tell ourselves is what our energy field believes. The power of IAM are the two most powerful words that what follow are activated in that of which you pronounce as your truth. example: IAM Love IAM, IAM JOYful IAM, IAM Courageous IAM, IAM CONFIDENT IAM, IAM Creative IAM...IAM Energized IAM, IAM Divinely guided in all areas of my life IAM. I practice and teach that whatever your higher source that is of LOVE, IAM/YOU are too. We are energy and when energized with LOVES healing truth we are better equipped to shine bright through all areas and stages of life. VS. IAM Not good enough, IAM not capable, IAM not worthy, IAM not able, IAM am not pretty enough, IAM not willing...IAM too old etc.... Now notice when you add YES to the power of your IAM. Doing this you ignite the fruitages of loving spirit to nourish your body, heart, mind and soul...notice how you feel when you add loves light of IAM affirmations. Do you feel empowered? Do you feel connected at a deeper level with loving source? Do you feel inspired? I often place my hand over my heart when I practice this and feel divine loving presence. This is a practice here are a few examples: IAM LOVE, LOVING and LOVED YES IAM. IAM Healthy, Wealthy and Wise YES IAM. IAM JOYFUL YES IAM, IAM CAPABLE YES IAM, IAM worthy YES IAM, IAM Strong YES IAM, IAM Prosperous YES IAM, IAM LOVES Healing Light YES IAM... IAM in My Perfect Season of Life YES IAM... Loving Kindness generated from within creates a spirit of Love that is unconditional toward self and others. The beneficial nourishment is felt deep within. Loves light becomes the beacon that is our oxygen, as we begin to feel it in our hearts, bodies, minds and souls. Loves light supplies us with inner Love nourishment of, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness and Gentleness and Self control …all qualities that support our IAM power to BE and do our best. Loves energy is a light that when recognized as Absolute, supports all areas of our life. Personal, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical. The fruits of the spirit make a difference and when ignited from the place of Love one is able to connect with the best version of thyself no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in. Light up your life with Love...let self-nurturing begin. Learn to be kind to yourself in all seasons of life. Cultivate a harvest of self-LOVE. Take time to BE true to you , trust in the magic of the fruitages of spirit knowing you are Love’s light shining bright. Banish doubt and affirm: IAM all knowing, IAM all powerful, IAM unlimited...IAM LOVE...all is well ...IT IS SO. You are invited to a life full of Love. In knowing Loves energetic truth, ask yourself these powerful questions. What is the purpose of my life? In what ways am I called to live my best life on purpose? How do I want to manifest my dreams and desires, in the light of who IAM? Great questions to ask, because you are Love and deserve to live your best life no matter what age, what circumstances, and what stage in life, you find yourself in. Light up your life with my free gift offer: Notice and journal what questions come to your mind in helping you to move forward in owning your magnificent light. (Gift set) Discover how your life opens when you reclaim your self-worth, self-love, and courageously transform your challenges into greater life and fulfillment. I wake up everyday and know that it is a good day to Live in Love. I share with all of you that Every day is a good day to Breath in Love.
Love Is The Way to wake up. Love is the way to Love others and help others to wake up too. Love powers many ways each day. Pay attention to the ways of love. Love whispers I AM. Love whispers I CAN. Love whispers I WILL. Love whispers I SHALL. Love is the power that vibrates a deep connection with one’s own heart right from the very start. IAM love, loving, and loved. I see it, feel it, breathe it, believe it, and know it. I AM Love and so are you. Knowing the ways of Love shows us the way to step into each new day. Awaken fully with all powers of love. Love is Wisdom, Creativity, Strength, Peace, Joy, Will, Order, Zeal, Love is the way to keep going and growing. Love shows up as understanding and forgiveness. Love shows up as way to simply be. Wake up with the face of love. Your eyes, your nose, ears, thoughts, mouth all allow us to connect with love or fear. When you look into the mirror what do you see, smell, hear, think, what do you say to yourself? See beauty, smell the sweet fragrance, hear soft tender music, think thoughts that vibrate love, speak only thoughts of love to yourself and to others. See and feel all that you are grateful for and connect with your heart. You may have to dig deep, during this time of quarantine, keep life simple. See and feel that Love is the one gift you have that no one can take away. Love is the most powerful force. Love is peace, freedom, and truth. How does love make you feel? Simply take the time to reflect upon all the gifts of love. Step into the moment aware of each breath, feel the beauty of everything set in love and divine light surrounding you. Your favorite color, moments of joy, beautiful flowers, close friends, family, and loved ones, a favorite movie, book, a favorite place…set yourself there with Love as your Way. Love Is The Way as one chooses to be surrounded by those who uplift. Pay close attention to Love as life’s precious gift. Nature sings beautiful songs, the wind, ocean, birds, thunder, lightning reminding us of all of loves infinite source and most powerful force. Love is the way to a higher space. Love is the way to live every new day. Start each new day in gratitude knowing no matter what you are going through, Love will lighten the moments in your day. You are Love, Loving and Loved. Love Is The Way to brighten your day. “Love Is The Way!”, through all seasons of life. Reach out to schedule your complimentary, Powerful Personalized Coaching Session today |
DeborahMidlife Self-Love Coach, Certified Light Master, & Integrative Wellness Guide Archives
February 2024
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